We got some great waterskiing in, here is Casey giving it a go:

My father made a fine showing even through torrential rain started just after he got up. The rain was so bad it stung in the boat, I can't imagine what it was like on skis - nice work dad!

One of the newest additions to the Smits' family fleet included this quick little number. As you can image it was a big hit.

A couple of laps around the cottage is hard work but the princess always seems to get whatever she wants when grandma and grandpa are around.

While in Michigan, Elizabeth made a special trip to see her Great Grand Mother Brege way up in Rogers City right on Lake Huron. It had been many years since I had been in that neck of the woods in the summer time. I had completely forgotten how beautiful it is there.

While we were visiting Grandma Brege, we also got to catch up with several of my aunts and uncles that I haven't seen in a very long time. It reminded me of Christmas long ago, when we would all get together.
My Aunt Carla had also made it up to Rogers City and came out to dinner with us. I'm not sure what the proper relationship terminology is then to describe her relation to Elizabeth... Great Aunt... Grand Aunt... anyone know? What ever it is... it was sure nice to see Aunt Carla. We had a fantastic dinner about a two blocks away from Grandma's house right on the lake and I had some of the best Lake Perch I have ever had! And as odd as it sounds, the french fries were simply spectacular.

After a quick visit in Rogers City we headed back to my parents house in Traverse City, the house I grew up in, so that we could visit my Grandfather who is now a TC resident. Grandpa sure had a fun time with Elizabeth!

An interesting thing about having Elizabeth at the flats this year was that Kate and I saw more sunrises than I can ever remember seeing there.

Of course no trip to the flats is complete without a little project. With the latest additions to the fleet, dock space along the seawall was becoming a hot commodity so we headed into town, bought some materials, and built some more dock. Of course this just provided my father yet another opportunity to make fun of my pathetic hammering skills... for whatever reason, I have never been very good with a hammer and probably explains why I usually choose to build with screws and bolts...

The dock was a huge success and offered Elizabeth and Grandpa a nice platform to play with a little toy boat on a string.

Towards the end of our vacation our dear friend Kathy and her new boyfriend Mike came out to the flats to visit. They had a late flight and and Kate and I left to pick them up at nearly midnight from the dock. It was a beautiful clear night with the stars out and barely any wind and we had a beautiful moon lit ride in to pick them up. Our ride back however was absolutely crazy!
Not far from leaving the dock the rain started, and by the time we were in the Baltimore Highway (the channel our cottage is on) the rain became a full on monsoon. The wind was blowing 30+ knots and the rain was coming down sideways and its pitch black dark out - I couldn't even see to navigate the boat down the river and was relying on the chart plotter to guide us in. With all of us crowded under the bimini (in the back of the boat) the engine got stuck in the mud trying to get into the cottage. In the process of trying to get ourselves un-stuck from the mud I sucked up a channel marker into the prop of the outboard and proceeded deploy the anchor to make sure we didn't get blown away and get really stuck... Just as I was about to jump into the water to start sorting out the fouled prop my father showed up in the little whaler to rescue us. Fortunately the prop wasn't too badly fouled and a quick little tug and we were free. With the engine freed up and learning from our last attempt I had everyone head up to the bow and we made in to the dock. This time though, my mother was out on the catamiran ready to be of help if the wind blew us in towards the wall and the next thing we know, she is in the drink climbing back up to the dock - fortunately unscathed. It was quite the arrival for Kathy and Mike. Kate was a fantastic first mate, helping to navigate and helping me out every step of the way. It's never easy being out on the water in a storm but its a completely different situation when its stormy and pitch black out. After all of that commotion, we finally made it back in to the dock and everyone was safe and without damage to the boat. Talk about a grand enterance for Kathy and Mike!

We even took Cathy and Mike to one of our favorite stops at the flats: Riverside! Its a little place tucked away off the south channel, one of the larger channels of the St. Clair River delta that have some of the best Pizza and ice cream we have ever had. They also have their famous "Boat Knots" which are little strips of pizza dough rolled up with pizza toppings inside (we liked the Hawaiian Boat Knots which had ham and pineapple), baked and covered in butter and Parmesan cheese. There are simply to die for!
