The fall colors are in their prime right now and we took a little excursion up to Rocky Mountain National Park to see them in all of their glory.
Interestingly the fall colors in Colorado really only come in yellow which takes some getting used to for us midwesterners who are used to the full spectrum of fall. But while the colors are mono chromatic the scenery is incredably dramatic with the mountains for a back drop.
We took Elizabeth on a 5 mile hike starting from the bear lake trail head which was packed with tourists - interestingly with the weak dollar there was a huge number of foreigners from Europe and Asia that we passed on the trail. Lets hope they spent a pile of money while they were here!
We had a beautiful morning when we set out and didn't take long to reach our destination - Lake Haiyaha at over 10,000 ft of elevation. Elizabeth had a great ride up and was a real trooper but shortly after we arrived the clouds came rolling in over the mountains along with some not so distant thunder so we ended our trip a little prematurely and got back down to safety.
Elizabeth had a great time exploring and watching the birds that would come and eat out of your hands - unfortunately we didin't get a very good picture of one to share - maybe next time!
We had a wonderful time on our hike but due to the weather we didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked to get to share with everyone. I guess we'll just have to go and do it all again to get some more!
Oh, you're really making me miss Colorado! I mean, Montana is pretty, but you can't beat those 14ers. At least we do get a little more red here with the fall yellows. Nice work with that camera!