My mom came out last weekend for a quick visit and we had a great time. One of the highlights of her trip was taking Elizabeth on tractor and horse and buggy rides at the Golden farmer's market. Elizabeth's new favorite word is "giddy up." It was cute at first when she would say it to the horses but now she likes to say it to mommy and daddy. Giddy up mommy! Mommy has been moving a bit slow lately so that does not go over very well (but deep down, anything Elizabeth says is still pretty cute).
Elizabeth has learned how to really jump lately and we caught her in action. She likes to make pretend she is a kangaroo. Look at that air!
My mom is one of those people that is amazing at anything she puts her mind to, quilting included. She made me the most beautiful quilt that I've ever seen for my birthday and I absolutely love it. I will treasure it always.
She's got MAD HOPS like her uncle...another distance runner in the family ;-)