Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's finally spring

I have felt so cooped up in the house this winter, moreso than probably any other winter than I can remember. For starters, having a baby in December, tons of snow in Jan-March but the real kicker was Elizabeth and Andrew getting sick over and over again. This weekend was absolutely beautiful so we got to get outside a little bit. However, Elizabeth had an ear infection and bronchitis so the majority of the weekend was spent indoors. That did not stop Elizabeth though. She decided to build a castle out of a cardboard vacuum cleaner box and spent hours coloring it and putting stickers on her castle. She loves playing hide and seek so the castle was a great hiding place this weekend.

Aunt Cathy sent Elizabeth the cutest frog rain coat and sun glasses. Although it was 65 degrees and sunny, someone really enjoyed dressing up as a frog this weekend. And Cinderella, Baby Doll or teddy bear are always in tow. Many family members will be happy to know that Elizabeth finally named Baby Doll. Her name is Regan after her new cousin. Elizabeth sometimes also calls her baby doll, Aunt Courtney's Regan.

1 comment:

  1. Jan & Kate!!
    Oh my gosh, your kids are just so beautiful! Elizabeth looks exactly like Kate! I came across an old email with this link so I checked it out. Congratulations on the new addition. :) Our little Jonathan just turned one year old a couple weeks ago -- I can't believe how time is flying! I'm working on some new music -- heaven only knows when it'll be out, but it's getting close (having a one-year-old slows down pretty much everything).

    I think of you guys often -- so glad to see your lives are so blessed!


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