I know I say this just about every post, but Andrew is such a happy little boy. He brings so much joy to our lives and you can't help but be happy when you're around him. His newest tricks this month include sitting up really well by himself and putting absolutely everything in his mouth. His favorite toy is the star on the Baby Einstein Exersaucer. He is absolutely enthralled with his big sister and just lights up when she comes in the room or pays him 30 seconds of attention. Andrew is becoming more interested in toys and books and Elizabeth is working a little harder with sharing as a result.
And this is how we roll lately. Elizabeth will ride in the buggy for about 10 minutes and then she wants to get out and walk. She is actually a really good walker for a 2.95 year old. We go on a two mile walk in the evenings when the weather is good and she can walk for a mile of it without getting tired. She is very motivated to see the horses down the street. She picks dandelions along the way and puts them on the fence for the horses. I'm really pleased that Elizabeth is so fond of animals. She likes them in all shapes and sizes. Some of her "favorites" are bugs. All kinds of bugs. This afternoon we spent an hour playing with two rolly pollies, a dead worm, 2 black ants and a spider. She is facinated by bugs and asks all kinds of bug questions. For example, do worms have eyes and a nose? What is the rolly pollie doing inside it's shell? And of course the constant, can I touch penguins, ducks, spiders, snakes, chipmunks, sea gulls etc? We go through the entire list of animals known to Elizabeth on a weekly basis. I've had to do a little research of my own to answer some of her questions. I hope that she keep asking all kinds of questions; what an inquisitive little mind! Elizabeth's favoirte mornings are the ones when it's raining as there are always a few worms on the driveway. She gets a little container and takes them to school with her. (According to my mom, when I was a little girl, I used to put my worm friends in my underwear drawer). Elizabeth is very good about putting the worms back in the dirt when her teacher tells her that it's time. However, last week, she put her worms in the dirt and one of the little boys smashed them with his foot. Needless to say, that has been a topic of discussion for the past week!
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