Elizabeth loved seeing D.C., especially the White House and Lincoln Memorial. She got a quill pen, ink and paper from the Lincoln Memorial gift shop that she writes with all the time.
It was really funny as we were standing next to the Washington Memorial and Elizabeth calls us over to this tree. She was completely amazed at the holy tree and wanted her picture next to it. Heck with all the monuments! :)
The Capitol Building off in the distance. The picture below was our last visit to D.C. in June 2010.
We were all really moved about seeing the WWII Memorial for the first time. It was pretty amazing. I thought about my Grandpas Joe, Jan, and Enos who fought in the war.
Thanks for a great visit friends! We look forward to seeing you again soon!!!
After D.C, we headed up to PA to visit Grandmom Bunny and John and Myra. It was my mom's birthday which was special to be able to celebrate with her.
The highlight of the trip was visiting with Grandmom. I just love to sit in her cozy home and listen to her stories. She has such an amazing life and it is a blessing and opportunity to sit and listen to her insights. Elizabeth enjoyed playing with and talking to Great Grandmom. I'll never forget the two of them playing with balloon volleyball together and mom driving Elizabeth around Grandmom's home for hours on end on Grandmom's walker. According to Elizabeth, Grandmom's house is one bit treasure box to explore!
I LOVE all your pictures...but the one of Elizabeth and Bunny is exceptional.