Saturday, May 21, 2016

Kauai - 2016

We had another AMAZING vacation in Kauai this year!!!  Most of our beach days were spent on what has to be considered one of the most spectacular beaches in all of the world - Hanalei Bay.  The surf conditions were perfect for Boogie Boarding on the heavy surf days and proved to be perfect for the kids to learn how to surf on the light days. 

Amelia really had a great time this year exploring Kauai.  She LOVED all of the roosters, playing in the sand with Andrew and Elizabeth, and by the end got much more comfortable in the water.

 We found a new beach this year that we visited for a couple of sunsets.  Secret Beach has some breathtaking scenery.  Its funny hour a short dirt road and a steepish 10 minute hike are more than enough to keep all but the adventuresome tourists away.

We had some big firsts this trip, Andrew and Elizabeth are now officially surfers!!!  They can't wait to get surfing again!!!

British Isles!!! Mega Post!!!

June 21, 2019 Starting In Dublin, Clockwise Around:  (technically we did Dublin, then Glasgow, then Belfast and on to Inverness......