Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1000 Hits!

It looks like this web site thing seems to be working out pretty well! We just exceeded 1000 hits on our Blog since January! I'm a bit surprised that that many people are checking in but I'm glad that everyone seems to be enjoying the small window into our crazy and exciting lives. We will be sure to keep the posts coming! Feel free to send in any requests or comments!
~Moose Head Truth


  1. Hi Jan and Kate,

    Keep the pictures coming, we love the updates on your family. Wow, its hard to believe that Elizabeth is a year old already!


  2. How 'bout some new pictures?! You guys are slacking here :-)

    Seriously, I so happy that you guys started a blog, especially since we won't be able to see you very often once we move. But, our door is always open if you want to come do some fishing!

  3. Sounds Good Libby, we'll keep em coming.

    Thanks Amy, we'll be sure to take you up on the offer. Good luck on the move!


British Isles!!! Mega Post!!!

June 21, 2019 Starting In Dublin, Clockwise Around:  (technically we did Dublin, then Glasgow, then Belfast and on to Inverness......