Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun in the Snow

The tail end of March has brought the majority of the snowfall we have seen in Denver this year. We were buried in 18" of fresh snow in about 18 hours that closed down school and even work for many of us. It came as a nice little break from what would have been a very busy week at work.
Of course, once the storm subsided Elizabeth and Julio had to get out and play in the snow. They had a real fun time out there! Julio ran all over the place having to hop through the shoulder deep snow. Elizabeth had fun sitting on the base of the snowman in progress eating snow.

1 comment:

  1. I love all that sunshine you have for your snowplay! We're still getting dumped on here. . . and I gotta say I'm ready for spring!

    Maggie would have a blast romping through the snow with her buddy, though!


British Isles!!! Mega Post!!!

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